Our Services

Annual Accounts

Statutory audits of your annual accounts based on the HGB und IFRS regulations with the aim of documenting their compliance with international standards.

Consolidated Financial Statement

Examination of company interrelations and parent-subsidiary relationship. Here again with the aim of direct contact and personal support on the spot. Optimizing the equity capital balancing (Impairment-Test).

Special Audit

Examinations under GmbH law, stock corporation law, transformation law, Banking Act, Securities Trading Act (BAFIN/KWG/WpHG: regulated by the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht and the Federal Bank), Examination under the investment law, examination of the regularity of the management (§53 HGrG), Examination under the Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG) und Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsgesetz (KWK-G), estate agent regulation and builder regulation, EEG examinations, Grüner Punkt.

Company valuation

Assessments of entire companies or sections of a company for example for questions on value-based management or HGB or IFRS examinations (e.g. Impairment-test at Goodwill) on IDW basis.

Due Diligence

Our goal is to secure the economic key assumptions of a purchase decision through careful examination and analysis of the financial and fiscal determinants.

Business transcations

Support and advices with all purchase and sale issues of companies. Here you can fall back on more than 20 years of experience in supporting medium-sized clients.

We know about the questions of the middle class - and we take time when you have time

Arrange a personal consultation

A century of experience

Silvia Veith Prüfungsassistenz 20 Jahre Erfahrung Finanzinstitut Finanzdienstleister, Kontrollsystem und Vorprüfung

Silvia Veith

Audit Assistance

Mrs. Veith has more than 20 years of experience within all areas of auditing. She focuses on the examination of the intern control system, the implementation of preliminary examinations and the supervision of examinations at financial institutions and financial service providers (BAFIN & Federal Bank)

Tobias Panzer Prüfungsassistenz Wirtschaftprüfung & Steuerberatung, Inventurprüfung Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer IDW

Tobias Panzer

Audit Assistance

As an assistant of the auditor he has been taking part in inventory inspections for different companies for a few years now. His focus is the control of the inventory and the documentation in accordance with the IDW-Standard (Institute of the Accountants).

Massimo Colonnella Prüfungsassistenz Wirtschaftprüfung & Steuerberatung, Inventurprüfung und Standardprüfung von Umlaufvermögen

Massimo Colonnella

Audit Assistance

He has been trained in our own law office and he is the youngest member of our team in which he has been part of for 6 years now. He is responsible for the organization of our team, as well as the disclosures, inventory inspections and standard check activities in regards to the working capital.

Walter Okon Wirtschaftsprüfer - Team Walter Okon IFRS/IAS Prüfungen sowie von Finanzdienstleistern (BAFIN) und dem EEG (Gesetz für den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien)

Walter Okon

Managing Director

With his 25 years of work experience he is responsible for the medium-sized efficient process of our law office and he is able to find the right detailed solution regarding statutory financial statements for middle-class companies of the producing business, as well as trading and service companies. His know-how is also used for the examination of the group audit and IFRS and IAS examinations as well as financial services (BAFIN) and the EEG (law for the expansion of renewable sources of energy).

Holger Niederberger Prüfungsassistenz Wirtschaftprüfung & Steuerberatung, Prüfungen von komplexen IT-Systemen, Umlaufvermögen

Holger Niederberger

Audit Assistance

Mr. Niederberger, an especially engaged and determined member of our team, who has been supporting us for 20 years. He in particularly takes care of the examinations of complex IT-systems, as well as the standard checks in regards to the working capital.

More than 25 years in service

1991 Tax consultancy examination

Appointed as tax consultant and start of the self-employment

1994 Certified accountant and entry into the law office

Establishement and moving into the own law office which is still the same today

2001 Establishment of the auditing company (RheinMainTreuhand)

Responsible accountant in the section of trading companies and inspection of public companies (HGRG) as well as foundations

2006 Auditor for quality control accountancy

Approval of examiner for quality control, henceforth regular further training in the range of quality control

2008 International Cooperations

Since 2008 we work for companies in the USA and we cooperate with the resident agencies

2009 Establishment of the Metropolaudit Wirtschaftsprüfung GmbH

With the main focus on auditing of listed corporations

2011 Branch office in Kehl

Metropolaudit Wirtschaftsprüfung GmbH establishes branch office in Kehl in order to be on site for you

team image

Contact form

We are here for you! Use our contact form or speak to us directly via:

AddressKanzlei Walter Okon
Mollstraße 33
68165 Mannheim
Tel. 0621 4183234